NILE MAGAZINE #26, July-Aug 2020 - PDF

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Five Egyptian Words You Didn't Know You Knew
It may come as a surprise that you already know some words that have descended from the ancient Egyptian language.

The Jewelled Mummy
The Djehuty Project in Luxor uncovers the mummy of a teenage girl, decked out in fabulous jewellery.

The Fayum Mummy Portraits
Known as the Rembrandts of ancient Egypt, can these portraits reveal neurological diseases?

ARCE Update
The mystery surrounding a newly-discovered skeleton at Abydos will have you looking at royal images in a whole new light. 

The Power of Images
The ancient Egyptians raised and toppled statues too. We explore why.

Encounters with Mummies
Fascinating, historical first-time encounters with Egyptian mummies.